User Interface Design
Certainly everybody using a computer has encountered a software, which is uncomfortable to handle. This is due to the fact, its not intuitive, important functions are hidden somewhere, too much information is displayed and/or not in a structured way. User Interface Design is not about to look nice, its about to have everything in place and have relevant information displayed tangible. An artist e.g knows, that information in front within an image is darker and more colorful than in the back. Besides the dimensional working with colors, there is navigation, document definitions, or views of datasets. User Interface Design is also part of research at find αι ® within ubiquitous computing. Findings about ubiquitous structures enable the interchange of complex information. This is e.g. also relevant in semantic web and semantic analysis. Users can move through different worlds and learn new languages using known ubiquitous structures.
A skilled UI Designer will deliver a solution which solves problems you haven't thought about yet.